What we do


Acupuncture is a centuries old ancient technique that is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is the placement of very fine, single use sterile needles into precise points on the body. It is extremely safe and pain free. Some patients might feel a very mild pinch but most feel nothing. 

Acupuncture points stimulate the nervous system and release chemicals that promote the body's natural healing process. It has been proven to decrease inflammation, increase circulation, regulate the nervous system and decrease pain. 

Trigger Point Acupuncture 

There are so many different techniques when it comes to acupuncture and Trigger point is one in particular that we all specialize in. It is a very effective technique for releasing any tight muscles, adhesions or “knots”. With injuries, chronic tension and repetitive use, our muscles tend to get stuck in a contraction. Trigger point can release those muscles and bring instant relief. This is a surprisingly addictive technique for most patients.

Some refer to trigger point as “dry needling”. However, dry needling was actually derived from acupuncture and is typically performed by physical therapists. Trigger point is a more holistic approach with a similar response. We have found that it provides even more relief and is a much safer technique.

Cupping and Gua sha

Cupping and Gua sha are often used in conjunction with acupuncture and are rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. They are used to decrease pain and improve elasticity and mobility in the tissues and fascia. They do so by increasing circulation, decreasing tension, promoting lymphatic drainage, and reducing inflammation.

Herbal Medicine and Supplements 

Herbs and supplements are just another puzzle piece in the healing process. They are incredibly helpful for treating various ailments particularly involving internal medicine. We have worked very hard to make sure we have the best quality products that have undergone third partly testing and we have all had extensive training to make sure they are prescribed safely without interacting with medications. 

Diet and Lifestyle Coaching

This could look like so many different things for different people such as prescribing customized nutritional plans, elimination diets for allergies and food sensitivities, stress management techniques, and exercises for mental and physical health. 

We will work together to figure out exactly what you need in a holistic, mind-body approach.

Functional Medicine

Like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine looks for the root cause of any health issue. We dive deep into your medical history to identify the cause of the illness, including triggers such as nutrition, stress, toxins, allergens, hormones and gut health.
Once we identify the triggers or imbalances, we can customize a plan that is right for you. Your plan will address many aspects of your life, from physical needs, such as nutrition, herbal medicine, exercise and sleep, to mental and emotional stressors related to social, work and community life.
Functional medicine takes a comprehensive, whole health approach to prevention, health, and well-being; by treating the root causes of disease we can restore healthy function in the body and mind.

What you can expect during your first Functional Medicine appointment:

We will spend one hour discussing your health history and symptoms and figuring out the right treatment plan for you. This could include ordering tests, prescribing herbal medicine or supplements, dietary and lifestyle coaching, and so much more. We have a wealth of resources and are just here to support your in your journey.

If you have had any previous tests please send them to Rebecca@themendpdx.com prior to your appt so she has enough time to review them.